What is WRAS?
So you’re here wondering what WRAS is? I’m going to give you a quick, no nonsense run through of what it really means.
WRAS – the water regulations advisor scheme, is an organisation who vet equipment coming on to the UK market for public use in the water industry. They basically make sure that the equipment you’ve been supplied, had installed or are going to come into contact with is not going to poison you or explode or anything like that. Once it passes the WRAS testing, the part becomes ‘WRAS approved’ and stays like that for a year. So if you see a WRAS approved part advertised you know it’s been sent to the WRAS guys and given the thumbs up within the last 12 months.
What this shouldn’t be confused with is the efficacy of the part you’re buying. Just because my bucket has been WRAS approved doesn’t mean it’s not going to leak, despite that being assumed. Likewise, when you’re talking about water treatment equipment you should be looking to have your unit conform to BS14897 to show it’s going to do the job.
I hope that’s given you a quick insight into the world of WRAS and you now understand what it does and doesn’t do. If you would like to know any more just get into contact with us, we’ll be happy to help.